
A longing grows to return to the open composition in which the accidents and imperfections of speech might awake intimations of human being… There is a natural mystery in poetry. We do not understand all that we render up to understanding… I study what I write as I study out any mystery. A poem, mine or another’s, is an occult document, a body awaiting vivisection, analysis, X-rays. The poet is an explorer more than a creator. I work at language as a spring of water works at the rock, to find a course, and so, blindly. In this I am not a maker of things, but, if maker, a maker of a way. For the way is itself. The concept that to form is to transform, is a magic then, and that metaphor is not a literary device but an actual meaning arising from, operating in, and leading us to realize the co-inherence of being; that we perceive forms because there are correspondences. - Robert Duncan